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Winter Saving Tips: How To Lower Your Energy Bill

Winter Saving Tips: How To Lower Your Energy Bill

Your heating and air conditioning system isn’t getting a respite from the sweltering summer heat this time of year. When it’s cold outside, you turn on your heaters to keep you warm — sometimes nonstop. This may have resulted in an increase in your utility bills, as you’ve already noticed.

Fortunately, there are efficient strategies to reduce your energy bill this winter and they don’t make you give up any of your daily comforts. Here are some energy-saving tips from an HVAC repair contractor to help you save money when you spend more time inside throughout the winter.

WINTER SAVING TIPS: HOW TO LOWER YOUR ENERGY BILL - Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc.
  1. Use Free Energy From the Sun: The sun provides us with free, clean energy that can be harnessed without the need for solar panels. When the sun is shining, simply open your curtains and blinds to let that beautiful solar energy into your home.
  2. Install Solar Panels: Not everyone can afford this choice, but running on solar power is better for the environment and your wallet. This is the technique to save more than 75% on your energy bills. We can create a solar panel that matches your demands. As your trusted partner for reliable and sustainable alternative energy systems, we can customize a solar panel design that meets your needs.
  3. Switch to a Smart Thermostat: With a smart thermostat, you can save energy all year. It allows you to fine-tune when your furnace runs, therefore saving you money. You can save money without compromising comfort in the cold. We install smart HVAC systems for better temperature control, remote access, and cheaper power expenses.
  4. Inspect and Replace Your Furnace Filter Regularly: Make sure furnace filters are clean to avoid overworking equipment. Some filters can be cleaned and reused, but others must be replaced totally. Think about hiring an expert to assess your HVAC system’s potential for improvement.
  5. Weatherstrip Your Doors and Windows: Sealing out drafts is a fantastic location to start lowering your winter electric bill. Your doors and windows can lose more heat than you think, but you can stop it by weatherstripping them. Door sweeps also assist seal the gap between the door and the frame. Even draft stoppers can help keep you warm.

Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. is your partner in keeping your HVAC system running smoothly year-round. We are one of the top HVAC contractors that provide smart HVAC systems all throughout Concord, CA, as well as its surrounding areas in California.

Get in touch with Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. today by calling us at (925) 954-9998, or complete our contact form for a free quote!

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