What To Expect In Your Spring HVAC Maintenance Appointment
Spring is the best time to start thinking about a maintenance plan for your HVAC system. At Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc., we’re more than just a solar panel company; we’re also experienced local HVAC contractors.
In this post, we answer your frequently asked questions about your upcoming spring HVAC maintenance appointment.
What’s The First Step In My Upcoming Appointment?
We start by performing a visual inspection of your entire HVAC system. This includes the heating and cooling units as well as the ductwork and registers. What we’re specifically looking for are the warning signs that your HVAC system might malfunction in the future and problems we can preempt with the necessary HVAC repair.
What Warning Signs Should I Worry About?
Dirt and debris are a fairly common problem with HVAC systems, but they don’t do much other than reduce airflow and decrease your home’s air quality. You should prioritize other problems, however. The presence of rust and corrosion are not good signs, and pooling water means that there’s a leak within your HVAC system somewhere. Excess moisture and condensation are also immediate concerns as they can reduce your entire HVAC system’s efficiency and drive up your energy bills.
Can I Clean The HVAC System On My Own?
You most certainly can, but we recommend a professional to do this for you. The HVAC system is a large and complex unit with all these bits and pieces and electrical wiring. You might unknowingly damage your unit in the process, especially if you accidentally scratch one of the smaller components. Additionally, a clog in the HVAC unit isn’t as easy to clear up, unlike an air conditioner.
At Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc., we’re experts at addressing HVAC issues and keeping the entire unit in good condition for the rest of the year. We can also install a smart HVAC system in your home.
Call us today at (925) 954-9998 to learn more about our HVAC services. We are local HVAC contractors serving homeowners throughout Concord and other parts of California.