Solar Panels: How Exactly Can They Save You Money?
One of the biggest advantages of investing in a renewable energy source like solar power is a reduced household carbon footprint. By decreasing your use of electricity, you can contribute to greenhouse gas emission reduction, which helps make the planet healthier in the long run.
But on a more practical note, putting your home improvement dollars on solar installation can also keep your bank account green. Savings vary from household to household, but Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. shares the biggest ways going solar provides financial rewards:
Generating Most Of Your Electricity Needs For Free
On average, photovoltaic systems meet 84 percent of household energy needs. With the right size, yours can help you can generate more than enough electrical power using just the sun. But even if your solar panel system doesn’t supply 100 percent of your energy requirements, you can still expect to pay a lot less for electricity month after month.
Protecting Yourself From Utility Rate Inflation
The cost of electric power isn’t fixed. More often than not, it increases every year. In fact, national electricity prices have risen at a rate of 2.2 percent per year over the past decade because of inflation. If you install solar panels, you can shield yourself from the volatile nature of electricity costs.
Receiving A Federal Tax Credit
With the current legislation in the Golden State, you’ll be entitled to a solar investment tax credit equivalent to 30 percent of the total system cost. Since credits decrease over time, you have a greater incentive if you go solar sooner rather than later.
Paying Less On Maintenance
Any reliable solar panel company would attest that photovoltaic systems can practically last a lifetime and perform optimally with minimal maintenance. The only care they need is occasional cleaning to rid them of dust and dirt with a garden hose. With vigilance, you can remove debris quickly to maximize their ability to convert sunshine into electricity.
Figure out the most suitable solar panel system for your home with Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. Call us at (925) 954-9998 to talk about your needs and learn more about our solutions. We serve homeowners in Oakland, CA, and other nearby California communities.