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How To Maintain Solar Panels

How To Maintain Solar Panels

Getting solar panels for your home is a great investment worth the effort. While these energy-efficient tools can save you lots of money, they also need to be properly maintained. This way, you get the best results out of what can become a long-lasting investment.

Need help with keeping them in peak condition? Here are a couple of tips on how to properly maintain a solar panel system.

HOW TO MAINTAIN SOLAR PANELS - Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc.

Tracking Performance Every Day

When you decide to get them, track how your solar panel system performs every day. Ideally, they should either increase or maintain a reliable standard of performance. If they start becoming inconsistent and ineffective, that’s a sign that they need to be cleaned as soon as possible.

Rinse For Dust

The biggest light-blocking problem for your solar panels is dust buildup. A solar installation can fail if it is dusty or gets dirty frequently. This is because the dust blocks the inverters, which decreases their performance. Clean up the dust by rinsing it out as often as possible. You can also do this for animal droppings and pollen. You can also pick up different debris, such as pebbles and leaves, while you’re at it.

Professional Inspection

One of the best ways to keep your solar panel system in peak condition is by getting a proper inspection. By asking licensed professionals to look over the panels, you can learn about the different types of damage or wear that can affect the installation. For example, you can learn about electrical wiring issues and water damage. Remember: the expert’s opinion is the most informed one.

As your local solar panel company, Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. is ready to help you with all your solar panel needs. We are a trusted expert in these devices and have spent years installing and maintaining them. Call us today at (925) 954-9998 to learn more about our services. We help homeowners in Oakland, CA, and other parts of California.

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