Getting A Solar Panel? Here’s What You Need To Know
The prospect of going off the grid and powering your home through solar panels is both attractive and economical, and it also adds a lot of value to your property. Before you switch to solar, however, there’s a few things you need to know about powering your home with a photovoltaic system. Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. discusses more.
Solar Panels And The Grid
The common assumption is that switching to solar means you’re finally going off the electric grid. This isn’t necessarily true though. Your solar panels will still be connected to your electric company through a meter. When your panels produce excess solar energy, it goes back to the grid and your electric company credits you. You’re essentially contributing electricity to your company and they pay you back for it.
Solar Panels And Your Roofing
Our solar panel company recommends you fix up your roof first before installing your new photovoltaic system. Since you’re essentially adding extra weight on your roof structure, leaks, cracks, and other aberrations might get aggravated further. When we install your new solar panel system, we’ll make sure to do an in-depth inspection of your roofing first to see if it needs any repair or maintenance work done.
Tax Credits And Solar Panels
While solar panels do require a fair upfront cost, they are essentially a lifetime investment that will pay off by reducing your energy bills considerably. After federal tax credits, your photovoltaic system might run around $10,000 to $30,000. This, of course, depends on the size of your solar panel system.
At Green Air, we provide professional solar installation. We’re always seeking to provide you with durable and highly efficient systems that will reduce your home’s energy costs. Call us now at (925) 954-9998 for more information on our services. We install solar panels throughout Oakland, CA, and other parts of California.