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Do Solar Panels Heat Up Your Roof?

Do Solar Panels Heat Up Your Roof?

In the last few years, homeowners have been considering solar panels despite the expensive initial costs. With the capacity of solar panels to convert heat to usable energy, the benefits are truly hard to pass up.

However, a common misconception about solar panels is that they generate heat while converting sunlight to electricity. It’s understandable why some people would think this, but a study conducted by researchers at the University of California, San Diego, has easily debunked this myth.

Do Solar Panels Heat Up Your Roof? -Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc.

Heating And Cooling Effects Of Solar Panels

Solar panels do not generate heat. In fact, they absorb the heat coming from the sun and prevent it from transferring to your home.
The study also shows that solar roofing prevents heat from escaping during colder nights. But while solar panels can also help lower heating costs, their heating benefits may not be on the same level as the cooling benefits.
Overall, it’s still safe to say that solar panels don’t simply allow you to save money by producing emissions-free electricity. They also contribute to the total energy efficiency of your home.

Energy Savings With Solar Panels

Researchers found that solar panels can reduce a roof’s temperature by five degrees. Moreover, the study also showed that savings from the use of solar panels typically amount to 5% of the price of the solar panels. You can expect to enjoy these significant savings over the life of your solar panels, which further makes solar roofing a worthwhile investment for your home.
Green Tree Home Solution is proud to offer top-notch roofing services. Call us at (925) 954-9998, or fill out our contact form to request an estimate.

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