Debunking Most Common Solar Panel Myths
Many people are looking for innovative and sustainable ways to keep their homes energy-efficient. One of the most popular alternatives to traditional electricity sources is solar panels. This device is a collection of photovoltaic cells that absorb the sun rays and convert them into electricity or heat. Solar panels, however, face some controversies due to misconceptions.
Read on as Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc., a solar panel company in Northern California, debunks the common myths surrounding solar panels.
Myth #1: Solar Panels Are Not Suitable For Cold Climates
Solar panels are versatile. They work well both in cold and warm climates. Conductivity rises in cold temperatures, making electricity flow more efficiently. Higher temperatures, on the other hand, reduce a solar panel’s efficiency since it produces less power from the same amount of light.
Myth #2: Tracking Systems Are Required To Follow The Angle Of the Sun
Your contractor will install your solar panels in areas that can maximize sun exposure. A tracking system won’t then be needed. Newer counterparts, however, have built-in tracking systems, which change the panels’ direction throughout the day.
Myth #3: Solar Panels Can Affect Curb Appeal
Some homeowners are having second thoughts about installing solar panels because they fear these devices will compromise curb appeal. Your local installer, however, may install the panels in spots that can minimize visual impact. Solar panels can also be mounted on the ground and can visually blend with your roofing system.
Myth #4: Solar Panels Are High-Maintenance
Similar to other exterior components, solar panels also require maintenance. These devices, however, only need to be inspected and cleaned a couple of times a year.
Count on Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. for your solar installation project. We offer different home improvement materials that can make your home not only energy-efficient but also eco-friendly. Call us today at (925) 954-9998 or fill out our online form to learn more about our services. We serve residents of California, including Oakland, CA.