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Breathe Easy This Fall: Time To Change Your Air Filters

Breathe Easy This Fall: Time To Change Your Air Filters

As the leaves begin to fall and the cool breeze starts to set in, it’s time to get your home ready for the changing season. Switching out your old air filters this fall has a host of benefits that your home and family will thank you for. Continue reading to discover why this simple maintenance task is so important at this time of the year.

BREATHE EASY THIS FALL: TIME TO CHANGE YOUR AIR FILTERS - Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc.

The Importance of Regular Air Filter Replacement

Beyond just circulating air, your air filters play a pivotal role in improving indoor air quality and maintaining the performance of your HVAC unit. When you replace your air filters regularly, you breathe cleaner air, reduce energy usage, and extend the lifespan of your HVAC system. Allowing dust to collect puts you at risk of respiratory issues, high energy costs, and potential damage to your HVAC system.

How Often Do You Need to Change Your Air Filters?

Most manufacturers recommend changing your HVAC filters every three months. However, that can change based on where your home is located. If your area often has dusty and dry climates, it’s best to change them more often.

Another factor to consider is if you have pets. Pet dander can easily accumulate in your HVAC system. So if you have pets, it’s best to switch out your filters more frequently.

You also have to consider the age of your HVAC system and how well it’s running. If you’re not sure about it, you can ask an HVAC technician to assess it.

How Our Experts Can Help

At Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc., we don’t just replace your air filters; we ensure that your entire HVAC system is running at its best. As part of our service, we can even equip you with our smart HVAC system, designed to provide maximum efficiency and convenience.

Our expertise doesn’t end there. In addition to air filter replacement, we offer charging station installations for electric vehicles — an ideal choice for those seeking to lower their carbon footprint. On top of that, our team is skilled in roof replacement.

If you’re in Concord, CA, or surrounding areas, give our HVAC team a call at (925) 954-9998. You can also get in touch with us via our contact page.

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