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4 Tips On How To Get The Most Out Of Your Solar Panels

4 Tips On How To Get The Most Out Of Your Solar Panels

Switching to solar energy already has many benefits, and there are a few things that you can do to get the most out of that resource. In today’s post, Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. shares some tips on how to get the most out of your solar panels.

4 Tips On How To Get The Most Out Of Your Solar Panels - Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc.
  • Charge your Devices during the Day: If you’re like most people, you probably charge your phones, laptops and other devices at night, which means they’re getting their charge from electricity from the grid. By making a minor change to your charging habits – charging them during the day – means your devices will be powered by free electricity.
  • Keep your Solar Panels Clean: Dust, dirt, and leaves can block your solar panels and reduce their efficiency. Ideally, solar panels should be cleaned twice a year, but it can be more or less frequent depending on factors like how dusty your area gets and how many trees are on your property. The solar panel manufacturers may also have their recommendations. When in doubt, ask your solar panel contractor.
  • Upgrade to LED Bulbs: Using old, energy-hungry light bulbs can defeat the purpose of having a solar system on your roof. Upgrading to LED bulbs, which consume only a fraction of the energy of their traditional counterparts, can help you save on your indoor lighting costs. When buying LED light bulbs, choose the same amount of lumens as your old ones. This information is usually printed on the sides of the light bulb. If you have a lot of light bulbs to replace and are worried about the upfront cost, you can replace them in batches, prioritizing the ones that you use most often. If you are buying LED bulbs for dimmable fixtures, make sure it specifically states on the packaging that the bulb is dimmable.
  • Consider Getting a Battery for your Solar Panels: Solar panels can only provide electricity while the sun is out. A solar battery backup adds the option to switch from your grid connection and vice versa during the evening, when there’s a power outage or when you simply want to go off the grid.

Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. is one of the trusted solar panel companies in Northern California. Give us a call at (925) 954-9998 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve customers in Concord, CA, and the surrounding communities.

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