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3 Types Of Solar Panels That You Can Use In Your Home

3 Types Of Solar Panels That You Can Use In Your Home

As your interest in solar power grows, you’ll find that there are various solar cell technologies that you can use in your home. Picking a specific type of solar technology can be challenging. The best way to end up with the right choice is to consult an expert.

Read on as Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc., a reputable solar panel company, discusses three different types of solar cells that you’ll find on the market today.

3 Types Of Solar Panels That You Can Use In Your Home - Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc.

Monocrystalline Solar Panels

Monocrystalline panels consist of cells that are cut from a single crystalline silicon ingot, which makes their composition purer. This results in a slightly more efficient performance than poly panels, which come from multiple pieces of silicon.

Mono panels also do better in high-heat and low-light environments. And since they are made from a single piece of silicon, they have a uniform black look. Mono panels typically cost more than poly panels.

Polycrystalline Solar Panels

Polycrystalline panels, or poly panels, are manufactured by combining cells that come from different pieces of silicon. Making this type of solar panel is considered less wasteful than mono panels since it uses smaller bits of silicon. Meanwhile, mono panels are cut from a single piece of silicon, which means shaving off the corners to make a distinct cell shape.

The difference in their manufacturing processes makes poly panels cheaper for consumers. However, due to the imperfections in the surface of the solar cells (resulting from the multiple pieces of silicon used), poly panels are slightly less efficient than mono panels.

Thin-Film Solar Panels

Although thin-film panels aren’t often used in residential applications, they are still worth noting so as to better guide you in your decision-making. This type of solar technology is usually deployed for specialty applications or large-scale utility projects. They are a lot less efficient than mono or poly panels in a residential application. But when used at a larger scale, they tend to be cost-effective.

If you’re considering solar installation in your home, Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. is ready and qualified to assist you. Simply let us know your needs so that we can offer the most appropriate solutions. Call us at (925) 954-9998 or fill out our contact form to request an estimate. We serve customers in Concord, California, and the surrounding areas.

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