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3 Tips For Wildfire-Related Homeowners’ Insurance Claims

3 Tips For Wildfire-Related Homeowners’ Insurance Claims

One of the hardest parts of recovering from damage caused by wildfire is getting the homeowner’s insurance claim process started. Read on as solar panel company Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. shares some tips on wildfire-related insurance claims.



TIP: Keep Your Premiums Paid

You can’t expect your insurance provider to cover your property if you haven’t been paying your premiums. The standard homeowners’ insurance policy often covers fire damage to the main structure and additional structures on the property. However, certain valuables like jewelry may require a rider if you wish to have them covered.

TIP: Keep Documents Somewhere Safe

Claims are easier to file if you have all the paperwork handy, and there are ways to keep your documents safe. While there are fireproof safes available, these are probably not designed to withstand extended exposure to extreme heat. Instead, consider a bank safety deposit box for storing your important papers.

Alternatively, you can also choose to have a “go bag” that contains your papers and other important items. Make sure it’s strategically placed so you can simply grab it (along with other essentials) on the way out, in case you need to evacuate. Cloud storage services have also become affordable and secure that you can store digital copies of all your important paperwork—including solar installation contracts—without worrying about running out of space.

TIP: Have Your Roofing Contractor And Insurance Provider On Your Contacts List

If your roof happens to have sustained damage from a nearby wildfire, call your roofing contractor and insurance provider. The roofing contractor will need to document the extent of the damage and provide a quote for the repair costs. The insurance adjuster will then compute the quoted amount against your deductibles. Having a roofing contractor who has considerable experience in handling claims can also help, as they can keep you posted on the progress of your claim.

To learn more about handling your insurance claims, or if you’re interested in our other services, including solar panels, call Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. today at (925) 954-9998. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve Oakland, CA, and nearby areas in California.

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