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3 Things To Know When Filing A Wildfire Insurance Claim

3 Things To Know When Filing A Wildfire Insurance Claim

One of the worst situations that a homeowner can encounter is fire. If your house is damaged in a wildfire, it is very likely the damage will be severe.

With cases of wildfires becoming more frequent, especially during summer, it is a wise move to make sure that you are ready for this calamity, especially if your property is in a high-risk location. To make sure that your assets are covered, here are some things you should do to be ready for the worst. Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc., your solar installation provider, shares three things to know when filing a claim:

3 THINGS TO KNOW WHEN FILING A WILDFIRE INSURANCE CLAIM - Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc.
  1. Prepare All Relevant Documentation: The most important thing that you should always have available are your property’s documents. Make sure that all the original copies of your papers (insurance documents, property title, inventory of your personal property, etc.) are kept in a safe place, and, if possible, outside your home, so that in case of unexpected fire, you won’t have to worry about losing them. It’s also a good idea to prepare backup copies of these documents just in case something happens to the original copies.
  2. Understand the Extent of Your Coverage: Aside from having your property documents ready, we advise that you read and understand all the nitty-gritty details regarding your coverage before a disaster. Reading the whole document is crucial as this will help you give you a deeper understanding of what your insurance company will cover and what might affect your overall coverage.
  3. Get Reliable Estimates for the Repairs: Once you have communicated with your insurer, your claims adjuster will surely visit you and check your property to help identify how much the company will need to cover. They may then recommend a contractor to give you some estimates.

If you have questions about green roofing options and how they can be affected by wildfire, turn to Green Air Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc., your local solar panel company. Give us a call at (925) 954-9998 or fill out our contact form. We serve residents of California, including Oakland, CA.

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